git hooks防止把个人密码信息上传到github


In most projects, hooks are in .git/hooks. The hooks are some scripts written in Ruby or Python or Shell or whatever language you are familiar with. If you want to use the bundled hook scripts, you’ll have to rename them without file extentions .sample

There are two kind of hooks, client-side hooks and server-side hooks.

Here, I just focus on pre-commit on client-side.


ffmpeg for android shared library This comes from my github README 移植ffmpeg到android,编译可用于jni调用的so库. 编译出的so在android apk中的使用参考我的另一


命名 文件保存以Makefile或makefile为名.当在当前目录下直接输入make即可执行 如果不是默认的文件名, 可以使用-f参数 1 make -f make.some 变


写在前面 好久没有写博客了, 中间忙了一堆杂七杂八的事情…工作, 情感, 未来, 人生… 下面是正文 一直要写一个视频播放器,